News / williams

Y2K Celebs: The Cute Bongs & Pipes WE Think They’d Smoke With

Y2K Celebs: The Cute Bongs & Pipes WE Think They’d Smoke With

Nineties babies are officially grown up. Whether you’re a younger Millennial born in 90-96’ or  an elder Gen Z member from 97-99’ you’re likely out of school and/or working like a full-ass adult. Not only have nineties babies grown up, but so have our idols. Today’s kids will just never understand the rush of seeing your favorite celeb on MTV or the very early days of YouTube. Remember trying to load videos with dial-up internet? Yikes! And trying to smoke back then? Forget it. It was either a carved out apple, a toxic water bottle bong, or a novelty pipe if you were brave enough to go into Spencer’s at the mall.

In honor of our favorite celebrities from a bygone decade, we’re counting down what pieces & papers WE think they’d enjoy from our collection…

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